Custom Backpacks — High Spirit Bags

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Custom Backpacks



Behind the walls of High Spirit Bags HQ is our team of designers. They create bags that are bold enough for most tastes but for those that want something a little more different, we also create custom backpacks. 

Have you got an idea for a custom backpack? Do you want to create something that represents your quirkiness? Or something you can easily recognise at baggage claim?

With our technical capability we can print any design you want on a backpack. In addition, with our creative insight and knowledge we can create something that no one else has. We are here to bring your idea to Life.

Use the form below to send us your ideas and we'll get started.

Our design team will help you to refine your designs to make sure you end up with something that will travel by your side and keep your possessions safe for Life.

custom backpacks.png

How it Works


Step 1: Send us your idea


Step 2: Get a Quote 


Step 3: Make Payment


Step 4: Receive your bag within 5 to 14 days


Step 5: Look awesome on your travels!