Out and About: Fresh Laces Party — High Spirit Bags

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Out and About: Fresh Laces Party

Josh okungbaiye

We were at the Fresh Laces Party in Boxpark, Shoreditch! All I can say is that it was fantastic!! The event was unforgettable. London is full of so much creativity and innovation and it was great to see some cool fashion brands and music artists really pushing the boundaries through their craft.  During the night we enjoyed wonderful performances from artists such as Shaun White, Areej, Skyy-i and Ceize. The artists shared the platform with the audience and it was great to see the audience getting fully involved in the performances. It was definitely a fun experience and we are glad we were part of it.

To add to the atmosphere of the night DJ Melody Kane and DJ 10 Faces were dropping tune after tune on the decks and the crowd were going crazy! They played everything from Skepta to Future to Drake.

We took some pictures, but got distracted by the music! Taking pictures and trying to dance is actually quite hard to do!  Check it out High Spirits! :-)
