Notting Hill Carnival: Top 10 Safety Tips for Carnival. — High Spirit Bags

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Notting Hill Carnival: Top 10 Safety Tips for Carnival.


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Notting Hill Carnival: Top 10 Safety Tips for Carnival.

Josh okungbaiye


Notting Hill Carnival is fast approaching. This is a time where we see multicultural London come alive. Over 1 million people attend and it is crazy busy with food, bright colours, wonderful outfits, and amazing music! If you haven’t been to Carnival before you HAVE got to go! At least once in your Life. It is more than a massive street party; it is an experience worth having.  The Notting Hill Carnival will take place from the 29th August till the 30th August 2015.

Even though Carnival is a lot of fun, it is important to be safe. Due to the large amount of people there will be a lot of pickpockets so it is important to protect your possessions. We have written down the Top Ten Safety Tips that work for us everytime. Check them out below:-


1.     Attend Carnival in a group. Remember that there is safety is numbers. 


2.     Agree to meet with your friends and family at a specific location, perhaps the closest train station. It is really easy to lose your friends and family in the crowd so constantly check to make sure everybody is still within distance.


3.     Get some money out beforehand and keep it somewhere safe. Cash machines will have really long queues and will be extremely busy.


4.     Don’t carry too much cash.


5.     Don’t carry too much stuff.


6.     Don’t wear anything too flashy. Avoid pickpockets by keeping all valuables zipped in your bag safe and out of sight.


7.     Drink plenty of water and bring sunscreen just in case.


8.     Plan your journey in advance. The London Underground on that day will be mayhem so search in advance the easiest and safest route for you to get home.


9.     Walk with the crowd; don’t go against the flow of the crowd.


10. There will be a lot of police at Carnival, so if you have any issues or concerns just ask them and they will be happy to help.