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Plan your Babymoon: The definitive guide for a Babymoon

Josh okungbaiye

What is a babymoon?

Contrary to popular opinion, a babymoon does not involve a baby, unless you consider the fetus in the womb as a baby. The concept of babymoons is to give the future mom and dad the last vacation before the little bundle of joy arrives.


When Should You Go For A Babymoon?

A babymoon is the last opportunity for a couple to spend time alone together and also their last vacation with freedom. A baby is a big responsibility, and an even bigger responsibility is caring for it, so if you’re thinking of opting for a babymoon, go for it! Babymoons are typically taken in the second trimester after you’ve taken the 12-week scan and before it becomes inadvisable to fly.

What To Do On Your Babymoon?

You can do whatever your heart desires on your babymoon, do your research on babymoon ideas. You could travel or do a staycation. You could go in for a couple's massage, sleep in, go to the beach to relax or order room service. The possibilities are endless.

Is It Safe?

A valid concern raised by many expecting parents is whether taking a babymoon is safe for both the mother and child. Experts claim that late babymoon traveling is not as safe as it may seem. Couples are advised to be fully aware of the risks associated with traveling in the air up to week 32.


Premature delivery and complications can be nothing less than traumatic for you and your significant other. Experts advise that you should be fully aware and vigilant of the conditions and should avoid traveling internationally as international travels will rarely ever get covered by insurance. I would also recommend getting travel insurance for your local trips as well because well. Babymoons are risky.

How Do You Prepare For Your Babymoon?

The first step for preparing for your babymoon is to talk to your OB/Gyn and ask for your prenatal records so that in case anything horrible happens on the trip, the emergency GYN would have a detailed history of your condition and will be able to help you better.

The next step is packing for your babymoon, and you can buy babymoon packages. Remember that your comfort comes in first before anything else. Pack a couple of pairs of comfortable stockings, comfortable pajama sets, comfortable shoes that you can wear anywhere. Don’t forget to keep a reliable water bottle with you at all times because pregnant women need to stay hydrated.

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The primary purpose of a babymoon is to be able to have some romantic time alone with your partner, so I would recommend throwing in a few cute dresses in for your fancy dates.

Popular Destinations For A Babymoon?

There are a lot of beautiful locations you can visit on your babymoon. However, I would recommend keeping your comfort and safety at the topmost priority. Choose a place that works best for your partner and you, but don’t travel too far away from home.


You could go on a hiking trip on the hills, which can be great for you so that you can reconnect with mother nature and energize and fuel your soul. However, remember not to walk too much and to stay hydrated! Wherever you decide to hike, make sure that there is a proper clinic or hospital nearby.

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Hiking isn’t the only thing you can do. You could also go for a sightseeing trip and stay at a hotel which is more relaxing and fun.


No doubt beaches sound like a perfect babymoon destination. Beaches are known to be great places where you can ultimately relax and soak in the sun. You can lounge on the beachside with fruity drinks and get that pre-baby massage to help you soothe yourself.

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Beaches also typically have some excellent restaurants around them as well, so when soaking and relaxing at those stunning white sand beaches get tiring, you can walk into a restaurant to have a beautiful dining experience.

For the nights, you could have a beach bonfire and relax listening to the waves crash against the shore sounds perfect right.

Weekend Getaway

If you can’t plan a great babymoon destination or babymoon location, a weekend getaway at a small city or resort is your best bet. If you manage to plan your getaway before a significant event like Christmas, then rest assured that the getaway will be fun for you. You and your partner can shop for yourself and your family and relax. In short, any time spent alone relaxing with your partner is going to be amazing anyway, no matter what you do.

Should I Bring My Toddler To My Babymoon?

There is no rule as such that restricts you from bringing your kids along to your babymoon getaway. Bringing your toddler with you will help you not be stressed as parents, and who knows it might turn out to be a wonderful babymoon vacation for all of you. One thing you will need to keep a note of is whether the places you’re planning to stay in, are family and toddler-friendly or not.

A bay moon with your entire family can give you all quality time to spend together and relax. Go for it!

What Places Should I Avoid For A Babymoon?

Avoid places where the Zika virus is circulating! For those of you who don’t know about the Zika virus. It’s a virus transferred by mosquitoes and is considered dangerous for pregnant women. About one in five people experience the usual Zika virus symptoms which are fever, rash, and muscle pains for up to 12 days after being bitten.

The Zika virus can be passed on from a pregnant woman to her fetus, and that virus can cause an infection, which can lead the fetus to be born with a congenital disability, and even worse, your child could get fetal brain defects too.

Be careful about the babymoon destination you choose, and keep yourself updated on the places where the Zika virus is circulating so that you can spend your babymoon Zika free!

Babymoons are a recent new trend, and I feel like if given a chance, one should opt for a babymoon vacation. The most important thing to remember is to relax! Enjoy your time with your partner!