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Exploring Berlin

Josh okungbaiye

A few days ago we were in Berlin and even though it was cold we got lost in the beauty and the history of city. Berlin has a deep history, it has gone through division, tragedy, reunification and has transformed for the better over the years. It is a city that is worth a visit. The architecture of the city is absolutely beautiful. We love how well the modern and historic buildings co-exist. The city also has a wonderful sense of creative freedom. We even saw a few people wearing High Spirit Bags, which was Epic! :-). Check out our journey.

The Brandenburg Gate

The Brandenburg Gate

Spotted a wonderful customer in front of the Berlin Wall.

Spotted a wonderful customer in front of the Berlin Wall.

East Berlin
Berlin Architecture
The Altes Museum

The Altes Museum

Berlin Shopping District
The Berlin TV Tower

The Berlin TV Tower

Berlin Cathedral

Berlin Cathedral

Statue Memorial