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News, Interviews and recommendations from High Spirit Bags.


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The High Spirit Brothers in Vegas!

Josh okungbaiye

My brother and I travelled to Vegas for the Magic/FN Platform (17th Feb- 19th Feb, 2015). It was pretty much a huge fashion tradeshow for established and upcoming brands to show their products to buyers, bloggers and influencers.  We decided to exhibit at the Magic Tradeshow because we noticed that a large proportion of our customers were from the US so we decided to give it a go and see if we could get our product range stocked in some stores in the USA.


                                                                                                    As soon as we landed, we made sure we did this first!


                                                                                                          On the way to Magic Tradeshow/FN Platform.

We spoke to a lot of wonderful people and we managed to get some orders from stores based in Los Angeles, New York and San Jose. It was our first ever time introducing our product overseas so we were ecstatic when we got some orders. During the tradeshow we learnt an important lesson and that was…..


’Don’t Overthink, just give it a shot, because you never know what will come from it.’


Life is way too short to overthink things that you wish to do. We feel that the more you overthink, the more you give doubt the opportunity to creep in. So if you have a business idea, or want to grow your business, or want to approach that girl or guy you have fancied for ages, just do it…….. the thinking can come later. 


During the fashion show we also spoke to a lot of other fashion entrepreneurs who owned their own brands and it was great to bounce ideas of each other and share our experiences about the fashion industry. It’s always refreshing speaking with other entrepreneurs because it reminds us that we are not alone in your journey. Another lesson we learnt is……


‘Don’t let your ego stop you from asking for help or advice.’


No one knows everything, but everyone knows something and it always helps to share the lessons you have learnt and also speak to people and ask questions from people inside and outside your field. We are sure that in this process you will come out of the conversation a little bit more knowledgeable about something, than you were before.


After the tradeshow, we were pretty much tired so we had a couple extra days to explore Vegas and really understand the American market. We tried pretty much all the American delicacies, which were delicious and CALORIFIC! But hey…..Don’t overthink it right? 


                                                                                                                                         The Strip.



                                                                                                                          About the fly back to London Town.

We look forward to sharing more about our High Spirit business adventures! Stay Tuned! 

By Josh