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News, Interviews and recommendations from High Spirit Bags.


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Josh okungbaiye

(1) Choose a destination you are both interested in

Choosing a destination that interests you both is key to your trip as a couple being a success. You do not want to start off on the wrong foot where one of you is not happy about being in a particular country or city. It will just lead to tension and bad vibes, which will ruin your holiday. So to avoid such negativity, sit down together and decide as a team where your next adventure will be.

(2) Decide on a budget

Planning your budget is extremely important, especially when it comes to things like food and entertainment. In order to add structure into your spending, try and set a daily budget. Get a sense of how expensive things will be at your destination by checking TripAdvisor. Another useful tip is to watch Youtube videos about the particular country you will be visiting. All of the available content will get you both mentally prepared on what to expect and it will give you both a good reference point on how to decide on your budget. This is key to really getting the most out of your trip together and your wallet will thank you later.

(3) Do Something Romantic

Do something romantic everyday. This will give you guys a chance to communicate and remind each other why you fell in love with each other.

(4) Laugh when things go wrong

Things will definitely go wrong during your trip. It may be missing your flight or even arriving at the wrong hotel. When things go wrong, avoid blaming each other and try and see the humour in the situation. Good memories together can often come of situations that seem bad.

Situations that go wrong can even bring you and your partner closer together. In a few years down the road, both of you will look back and laugh.

(5) Compromise

Compromise is the golden relationship rule. On holiday you may not always see eye to eye, but try to compromise so you can both can get the most out of your trip together.

Be flexible and spontaneous. Things may not always go according to plan, but as long as you are both comfortable with that, your trip together will be one to remember.

New York Fashion Week 2017

Josh okungbaiye

It's New York Fashion Week! So we thought to just show you New Yorkers spotted with High Spirit Bags in Manhattan.

All Images by: Nathan McCain .

His Instagram is @natemacc


Enjoy the Dopeness! :-)



Josh okungbaiye


Never exchange your money in the airport. The rates are usually not great and you could end up paying more than you bargained for. It is best to do it in advance so you have time to compare the rates. Also, keep an eye on the exchange rate.

travel lifestyle


If you want to stay in touch with family and friends through making calls. It is strongly advised that you used the Whatsapp telephone feature. It uses a VOIp system so through the use of the Internet your calls will be completely free.

Whenever you wish to make a call, find a place with WiFi to avoid running up a huge bill. Also, don’t forget to turn off roaming on your phone. This is another cause of high phone bills when travelling.


Airport taxis can be very expensive because the taxi drivers usually inflate the price. Before your trip, research the best ways to use public transport to get to your hotel. It is also an opportunity to hit the ground running when experiencing a new country. If you do insist on using a taxi from the airport make sure to negotiate on the price before entering the taxi. This is to ensure that you avoid getting an unexpected price that you did not budget for when you reach your destination.


Book your flights during the weekdays because it is a lot cheaper. Also, try not to book your flights during the weekends or public holidays, as the price will increase.

Sometimes airlines also do discount codes on their flights, so be on the lookout and search the Internet there are loads.

solo traveller


Tourist traps are usually overhyped places where tourists go to eat and be entertained. Those places are usually really expensive. To avoid being ripped off check out the local things to see and do. Remember to do your research.

To truly enjoy the culture of the country or city that you are visiting eat the local food. It’s going to be much more affordable and will further add to the experience.

When you arrive at your destination. Go to the information centre or check with your hotel and they will usually have coupons and discount codes for different restaurants, theatres and tourist attractions.
