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Best Holiday Destinations For Disabled Travellers

Josh okungbaiye

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These days there is more awareness about the mental and physical disabilities. These people are visible, important and a part of society. This awareness has made more people to be understanding and want to be more accommodating. Some countries and cities have also taken it a step further by designing their cities and tourist packages to cater to the disabled, so they can equally have a positive experience of their vacation. Other countries and cities are slowly becoming aware and making changes to accommodate.

We cannot deny the fact that a lot more work still needs to be done in order to make the travelling experience better and enjoyable for disabled travellers. For those of you who may be disabled or have friends, family and colleagues that may be disabled. We created a list of the top travel destinations that provide suitable facilities. Enjoy!

The top friendly destinations that have great access for the disabled list as follows:

1.   Berlin, Germany

Berlin, the capital of Germany, commits to provide better opportunities for the disabled. The city is barrier-free. That means the city is easily accessible to those who use wheelchairs.

The city provides mobility opportunities to blind and partially sight people as well as the deaf and hard of hearing equally. Berlin has a new accessible building and public transport for the disabled. The city also received the European Commission Access City Award. The hotels, tourist’s places and other events are in access of disabled too. Please be aware that some of the main attractions are not wheelchair friendly.

In terms of flying to Berlin. Please note that wheelchair access is available at Tegel airport or Shönefeld Airport. Alternatively you can take the train to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof (which is has wheelchair access).

berlin germany

2.   National Parks of the United States

National Park services decided to build the Accessibility Task Force in 2012. The plan was developed for five years to increase accessibility throughout the parks.

Moreover, National Park Services provides lifetime free pass to permanent residents with permanent disabilities. Therefore, with pass disabled can get free entrance to 2000 recreation sites as well as a discount on the amenity fees.

The top accessible parks in the list are Congaree National Park and the Rocky Mountain National Park.

usa national park

3.   Sydney, Australia

Sydney is the topmost disabled-friendly destination. It provides public transportation facilities to the disabled. More than 2000 tactile and Braille Street signs and accessibility map are available for disabled. The map gives information related to searching for accessible restrooms and mobility parking spaces.

The map warns the disabled in case of any barriers and stair inclines. Sydney is working on even more opportunities for the disabled. which is amazing!

sydeny australia

4.   Disney World

Disney world is included in top destinations that have great access for the disabled. The park provides a wheelchair, audio descriptions, captioning, and assistive listening rental.

Disney World provides a guide for disabled Guests and offers a Disability Access Service (DAS). The services offer comparable return time for disabled who cannot wait in conventional lines.



5.   Dublin Ireland

Dublin provides digital information to search for the disabled-friendly places in the city.

The website Mobility MOJO provides current information. The information includes pubs, parks, restaurants, transportation, and other attraction in Dublin and beyond.

Dublin is trying to redesign its old historic buildings so it can make it more accessible for the disabled. However, the city has several accommodations for the disabled. Please note, that there are a lot of cobbled stones and little hills in the city, so you may need assistance or a private tour guide to make the trip more accessible. Overall, the main tourist attractions have very good accessibility.

dublin ireland

6.   Hanauma Bay, Hawaii

Hanauma Bay provides fabulous facilities for the disabled. The disabled can relax on the beach on wheelchairs free of cost.

The other facilities like transport buses and tram to are accessible. The special screen in movie theatres is also accessible.

The other accessible destinations for disabled are listed as Pattaya Thailand, LEGOLAND, Loutraki Greece, Sicily Italy, and South Africa, Seattle WA U.S of America.

If you know any more destinations, feel free to leave a comment and share them with us. :-)


hanauma bay hawaii



11 Hacks To Travel Light

Josh okungbaiye

Travelling light gives you extra freedom and flexibility that you just don’t have with heavy luggage. You can move quickly through airports and train stations and it’s so much easier to take public transport with a small bag. You’ll save money by not having to check your bags in on a plane and you can keep your luggage close when you’re on trains and buses. You’re also less likely to lose things when you travel light because it’s easier to keep track of your belongings. Below are 11 Hacks To help you to Travel Light. Hope you enjoy them :-)

travel souvenirs backpack

1. Carry a lightweight case

Use a small suitcase or backpack so you can’t possibly fit too much in it. Don’t be tempted to get a case that’s slightly too big because you will fill that space with unnecessary stuff.

2. Minimise toiletries

If you’re staying in a hotel you can guarantee you’ll be provided with shampoo and shower gel so leave these at home.

3. Pack just 2 pairs of shoes

Shoes can often be the bulkiest items in our bags so never travel with more than 2 pairs. Wear your bulkiest pair on the plane and an easy to carry pair in your bag.

4. Use packing cubes

Not only do they keep your bag organised but they help make the most of your space and stop you overpacking. I tend to travel with four packing cubes. One for tops, one for bottoms, one for underwear and one for evening clothes. Once each packing cube is full you can’t possibly squish anything else in so you’re forced into packing light whether you like it or not.

5. Wash your clothes while you are travelling

No matter where in the world you’re travelling, it doesn’t need to be expensive to get your clothes washed. Laundrettes and apartments with washing machines will become your best friend if you’re travelling for a few weeks or more.

6. Audio books

Instead of packing heavy books which you will end up finishing and carrying around with you even though they no longer have any use; download a few audio books on your phone or iPad in order to save space and weight.

7. Style properly

Pack clothes that are interchangeable. Ensure you are able to mix and match all pieces of clothing you bring. This is in order to be able to wear ALL clothing as often as you need. This will save you from bringing unnecessary clothing.

8. Dry laundry bar

If you have no access to a washing machine, by bringing a dry laundry bar, you are able to hand wash any pieces of clothing such as socks and underwear and maintain clean and fresh throughout your trip.

9. Roll Roll roll

Roll all your clothes up into burritos in order to save space. By doing this you will able to fit much more in your case that you would if you folded them normally. You will also be able to see everything you packed at a glance by stacking them next to each other, saving you time and frustration.

10. Limit those “just in case” items

We all like to bring items we MIGHT need on our trips, but most of the time will not end up using them. Try to limit those items in order to save space; if you really need an item such as an umbrella, you can always purchase it when you need it.

11. Bottoms at the bottom

Pack your trousers, shorts, etc at the bottom of your case as they are more bulky and can be squashed down by the rest of your items.

By Nicole Fernandez Medina

10 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Flying

Josh okungbaiye

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Many of us enjoy the idea of travelling in order to experience new cultures. However, there’s one part of travel that isn’t so fun for a lot of people: that is flying. For some, flying is simply a hassle due to high fares, potential flight delays, as well as lost luggage. For others, flying is simply terrifying.

It is important to know the reason for your fear of flying. In addition, there are certain steps you can take to help alleviate your fears. For those of you who are determined not to let this fear stop you from seeing the World, below are a few tips to help you overcome your fear of flying.

1. Familiarise yourself with the plane

Getting to know what your plane looks like can make it seem a little less scary. Research what type of aircraft it is. Is it an Airbus or a Boeing plane? Research how many passengers it carries, as well as the on-board benefits such as a café for those travelling on long flights.

2. Choose an aisle seat

Most airlines and booking engines allow you to request a seat assignment when you book your flight. Request an aisle seat, particularly if you’re prone to claustrophobia as you’ll feel less surrounded by other people. You will also be able to get up and move around the cabin more easily allowing you to avoid looking out the window if those sky-high views make you nervous.

Check out Seat Guru. This site enables you to view the position of your seat so you can make an informed decision on booking your seat online.

3. Avoid watching or reading anything plane/flight related

Avoid airplane disaster movies, news coverage of plane crashes, or other scary media images. Remember that the vast majority of flights arrive safely, but only the problem flights make the news. Don’t let that make you have a negative outlook on flying.

4. Don’t rush at the airport

Allow yourself plenty of time to get to the airport before your flight is scheduled to depart. Racing to the gate and worrying about missing your plane will only add to your fear and anxiety. Make sure to have everything prepared the night before including your passport and your boarding pass; so that it will be smooth sailing on the actual day.

5. Stay Entertained

Make sure your phone or tablet is stocked with relaxing music to help get you into a peaceful frame of mind. Remember to pack a magazine or a good book to take your mind off what is happening. Select a comedy on your plane’s in-flight entertainment system, or pre-load a few of your favourite movies and documentaries onto your laptop.

6. Avoid caffeine

This and other stimulants can make you even more jittery, adding to your anxiety. Opt for water as it contains no sugar, which could tamper with your nerves.

7. Breathe

Breathing is by far the best way to calm yourself down if you feel yourself starting to panic or become anxious on a flight. There are various techniques you can use, but the main goal is to slow your breathing down and focus on the exhale rather than inhale, because as you panic, your breathing gets shallow and fast, making the state of panic even worse. One trick is to breathe out fully first before inhaling. Then breathe in deeply, hold it for a couple of seconds and breathe out completely. Keep doing this until the panic passes.

8. Use earplugs and eye masks

Some nervous fliers find overnight flights very daunting, but if you can try to get some rest it’s the best way to make the time fly by. Bring an eye mask and a pair of earplugs with you to help you sleep. The earplugs are especially useful as they block out the loud noise of the plane. The eye mask will also signal to the flight attendants not to disturb you while you nap.

9. Tell a flight attendant

Flight attendants deal with nervous fliers on a daily basis. Next time you’re boarding a plane, tell your nearest steward that you’re feeling anxious. There is no need to be embarrassed; their job is to help you and make you feel comfortable. They can check in that you’re doing okay. They also might have some tips to share with you from their experience.

10. Take a Fear of Flying course

If your fear of flying is preventing you from traveling or making you so anxious it’s impacting your health or enjoyment of your time away, consider seeking professional help. Some airlines, including British Airways, Virgin and EasyJet, as well as some airports, offer fear of flying courses. These courses are led by pilots, crew, and psychologists with intent to address all aspects of flying fears and how to overcome them. Trained professionals will answer all your questions and give you pointers for addressing your fears.

Nicole Fernandez Medina

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