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Avoiding pickpockets on the Mexico Subway

Josh okungbaiye

avoiding pickpockets on the Mexico subway.jpg

In order to fully explore the huge dimensions of Mexico City, one must use public transport. Here are a few tips to avoid your trip being ruined by pickpockets in such a busy city.


1)     Avoid travelling on a very congested metro especially at peak times as pickpockets take advantage of the closeness to people’s belongings. Over crowded transport is where an anti theft bag comes in necessary.

2)     Do NOT keep any wallets, phones or money in your front or back pockets as they are easily accessible. Keep your belongings in a safe bag, kept close to you.

3)     Unless an anti theft bag, wear your bag in front rather on the back in order to avoid anyone opening and stealing your belongings.

4)     Have a lock on the zips in order to be extra secure and avoid anyone attempting to open your bag.

5)     Carry as little as possible, i.e the essentials. It is unnecessary to carry all your cash on you, especially in a city where not a lot of money is necessary in order to get around.


Nicole Fernandez