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News, Interviews and recommendations from High Spirit Bags.


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Global Citizen: Meet Lauren

Josh okungbaiye

We had the amazing pleasure of meeting Lauren! She is actually one of our customers and she has been a huge fan of High Spirit since the beginning! :-) She is smart, funny, driven and ambitious. We believe she has a bright future ahead of her! Meet Lauren! :-)

What is your favourite thing about living in London?

I love that every part is different and there’s always something new to do. I’ve lived here my whole life and I don't think I’ll ever get bored of it. Like Samuel Johnson said, ‘When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.’

Where in the World would you like to visit?

Australia, definitely. I’ve had this obsession with it since I was really young and grew up watching programmes and documentaries about it. Plus they have the coolest animals and England’s a bit lacking in cool animals.

Where is your favourite place to eat in London?

This place called The Diner in Shoreditch, it has the best pancakes

What do you love doing?

I like hiking. It’s a great way to relax, when you live in London it’s super easy to forget that there’s stuff outside of the city haha

3 favourite things everyone should do in London?

1. Walk along the Thames

2. Go to a gig because there’s always loads on

3. Go Geocaching