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22 of the Best Short Travel Quotes To Get You Excited To Travel Again

Josh okungbaiye

If you are stuck at home during this time and can’t wait to start travelling again. Here are some travel quotes to get you excited to go on your next adventure. Enjoy! :-)

  1. The World Is YourS To Explore.

Travel Quotes

2. Fall In Love With The Journey. Not The Destination.

Travel Quotes

3. Travel Cures Ignorance.

Travel Quotes

4. Travel Is An Opportunity To See The World Through Other People’s Eyes.

Travel Quotes

5. The Deepest Desire of Human Nature Is To Explore And Discover.

Travel Quotes

6. We Are Shaped By The Adventures We Have.

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7. Discovering Something New Never Gets Boring.

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8. Travel Humbles Us And Makes You Realise That Your Way Is Not The Only Way.

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9. Beauty Is A Constant Reminder Of How Great The World Is.

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10. Travel Reminds Us That We Are One Of Many Billions of Lives.

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11. Travel Is Just Beautiful In Every Way.

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12. Travel Is A Great Teacher.

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13. Travelling Is The Best Education.

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14. Life Is Full Of Epic Adventures That Transform Us.

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15. Travel Reminds Us That We Are Global Citizens And The Role We Should Play For A Better World.

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16. Travelling Can Never Get Boring.

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17. Travel Enables Us To Fly Like A Bird And Learn Like A Student.

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18. See, Taste, Smell And Feel The World.

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19. It Doesn’t Matter If You Have To Fly, Walk, Swim, Sail Or Drive. Just Go And See The World.

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20. Mother Nature Created A Perfect World. Let’s Protect Its Beauty.

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21. An Open Road Is The Most Exciting Part Of The Road Trip.

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22. When You Travel. Leave Your Ego At The Door.

travel quotes

Best Holiday Destinations For Disabled Travellers

Josh okungbaiye

Best Holiday Destinations For Disabled Travellers.jpg

These days there is more awareness about the mental and physical disabilities. These people are visible, important and a part of society. This awareness has made more people to be understanding and want to be more accommodating. Some countries and cities have also taken it a step further by designing their cities and tourist packages to cater to the disabled, so they can equally have a positive experience of their vacation. Other countries and cities are slowly becoming aware and making changes to accommodate.

We cannot deny the fact that a lot more work still needs to be done in order to make the travelling experience better and enjoyable for disabled travellers. For those of you who may be disabled or have friends, family and colleagues that may be disabled. We created a list of the top travel destinations that provide suitable facilities. Enjoy!

The top friendly destinations that have great access for the disabled list as follows:

1.   Berlin, Germany

Berlin, the capital of Germany, commits to provide better opportunities for the disabled. The city is barrier-free. That means the city is easily accessible to those who use wheelchairs.

The city provides mobility opportunities to blind and partially sight people as well as the deaf and hard of hearing equally. Berlin has a new accessible building and public transport for the disabled. The city also received the European Commission Access City Award. The hotels, tourist’s places and other events are in access of disabled too. Please be aware that some of the main attractions are not wheelchair friendly.

In terms of flying to Berlin. Please note that wheelchair access is available at Tegel airport or Shönefeld Airport. Alternatively you can take the train to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof (which is has wheelchair access).

berlin germany

2.   National Parks of the United States

National Park services decided to build the Accessibility Task Force in 2012. The plan was developed for five years to increase accessibility throughout the parks.

Moreover, National Park Services provides lifetime free pass to permanent residents with permanent disabilities. Therefore, with pass disabled can get free entrance to 2000 recreation sites as well as a discount on the amenity fees.

The top accessible parks in the list are Congaree National Park and the Rocky Mountain National Park.

usa national park

3.   Sydney, Australia

Sydney is the topmost disabled-friendly destination. It provides public transportation facilities to the disabled. More than 2000 tactile and Braille Street signs and accessibility map are available for disabled. The map gives information related to searching for accessible restrooms and mobility parking spaces.

The map warns the disabled in case of any barriers and stair inclines. Sydney is working on even more opportunities for the disabled. which is amazing!

sydeny australia

4.   Disney World

Disney world is included in top destinations that have great access for the disabled. The park provides a wheelchair, audio descriptions, captioning, and assistive listening rental.

Disney World provides a guide for disabled Guests and offers a Disability Access Service (DAS). The services offer comparable return time for disabled who cannot wait in conventional lines.



5.   Dublin Ireland

Dublin provides digital information to search for the disabled-friendly places in the city.

The website Mobility MOJO provides current information. The information includes pubs, parks, restaurants, transportation, and other attraction in Dublin and beyond.

Dublin is trying to redesign its old historic buildings so it can make it more accessible for the disabled. However, the city has several accommodations for the disabled. Please note, that there are a lot of cobbled stones and little hills in the city, so you may need assistance or a private tour guide to make the trip more accessible. Overall, the main tourist attractions have very good accessibility.

dublin ireland

6.   Hanauma Bay, Hawaii

Hanauma Bay provides fabulous facilities for the disabled. The disabled can relax on the beach on wheelchairs free of cost.

The other facilities like transport buses and tram to are accessible. The special screen in movie theatres is also accessible.

The other accessible destinations for disabled are listed as Pattaya Thailand, LEGOLAND, Loutraki Greece, Sicily Italy, and South Africa, Seattle WA U.S of America.

If you know any more destinations, feel free to leave a comment and share them with us. :-)


hanauma bay hawaii



10 places to visit before they disappear forever

Josh okungbaiye

There are a few places on Earth that may not be around in the next 100 years. It is sad, but true. Some of these places will be lost due to climate change, pollution, changes in the natural environment and changes in man made infrastructure. Science shows that these places will actually disappear for ever.

Below a list of places you have to visit in your Lifetime before they disappear forever.

1.   Dead Sea

The salty lake lies between Israel and Jordan and is 400 meters below sea level.  The tourist love to swim over the mineral-rich water. The tourist believes that water is beneficial for their health.

The water is draining up to 1 meter every year. Therefore, the time is near when the Dead Sea will be gone forever.

Plan a trip to The Dead Sea and enjoy the swim before it disappears forever.

dead sea israel

2.   Belize Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef aligns the coast of Belize. It is very popular for snorkeling and diving and has a wide variety of sea life to experience. However, due to coral bleaching, a lot of coral life is dying. Some parts of the coral reef are finding hard to recover due to pollution and from hurricanes and natural disasters in the past.

In addition the rising temperature of the sea is wiping the world largest reef system. Which is killing the coral reef at an alarming rate.

There is no end time on when the Belize Barrier Reef will still be around (as ecosystems can still repair themselves), but try to plan a trip before it disappears.

turtle in the belize barrier reef

3.   Maldives

Everyone wishes to enjoy the sunset in the Maldives. However, the reality is that the island is getting vulnerable to rising sea levels.

According to scientists, the island will be submerged in next the 100 years. So now is the best time to  visit Maldives and enjoy the sunshine.


4.   Taj Mahal

India’s famous Mughal building Taj Mahal is turning yellow. Air pollution is staining the white marble of Taj Mahal. The cleaners are using chemical-free scrub to restore 350-year old building. But the increasing air pollution still proves to be a challenge and still staining the building.

However, it is not too late to explore Taj Mahal. There is still a small window of opportunity to experience this wonderful piece of architecture in all its glory.

taj mahal india

5.   The Great Wall of China

 The Great Wall of China is getting eroded brick by brick. The original wall was 2100 kilometers in length. Unfortunately, only 10 percent of the original wall is preserved.

Now is the time to visit the place before the wall is completely eroded.

the great wall of china

6.   Cambodia

Cambodia is a place to visit before the land vanishes from your feet. The Cambodian government sold the natural resources to expand the landmass.

The sand industry has contaminated the villages and wildlife. It’s not too late to enjoy cheap food, parties and terrific temples like Angkor Wat in Cambodia.


7.   Venice

Italy floating city, Venice is gradually sinking into the Adriatic each year. The biggest risk of the town is flooding. A recent study states that the city will be fully underwater by 2100.

Pay a visit to the city before the city of canals turns into a real-life Atlantis.


8.   Great Pyramids of Giza

The Great pyramids of Giza might not survive in the 21st Century. The construction of restaurants, buildings and sand erosion are responsible for the gradual extinction of pyramids.

Visit the pyramids of Giza before they disappear or lose their original appearance.

pyramids of giza

9.   Patagonia

The second-largest ice field on the earth lies in Patagonia. The glaciers are melting due to global warming.

Make sure you visit before it’s too late.


10.   Vienna

The baroque architecture of Vienna is being slowly overtaken by rise of skyscrapers. The elegant and classic aesthetic of the city and the skyline is changing very rapidly.

If you want to still capture a sense of the Baroque age. Ensure you visit the historical city today to see the real beauty before it turns to any other artificial city.
