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Filtering by Tag: vegan tourism

11 Hacks To Travel Light

Josh okungbaiye

Travelling light gives you extra freedom and flexibility that you just don’t have with heavy luggage. You can move quickly through airports and train stations and it’s so much easier to take public transport with a small bag. You’ll save money by not having to check your bags in on a plane and you can keep your luggage close when you’re on trains and buses. You’re also less likely to lose things when you travel light because it’s easier to keep track of your belongings. Below are 11 Hacks To help you to Travel Light. Hope you enjoy them :-)

travel souvenirs backpack

1. Carry a lightweight case

Use a small suitcase or backpack so you can’t possibly fit too much in it. Don’t be tempted to get a case that’s slightly too big because you will fill that space with unnecessary stuff.

2. Minimise toiletries

If you’re staying in a hotel you can guarantee you’ll be provided with shampoo and shower gel so leave these at home.

3. Pack just 2 pairs of shoes

Shoes can often be the bulkiest items in our bags so never travel with more than 2 pairs. Wear your bulkiest pair on the plane and an easy to carry pair in your bag.

4. Use packing cubes

Not only do they keep your bag organised but they help make the most of your space and stop you overpacking. I tend to travel with four packing cubes. One for tops, one for bottoms, one for underwear and one for evening clothes. Once each packing cube is full you can’t possibly squish anything else in so you’re forced into packing light whether you like it or not.

5. Wash your clothes while you are travelling

No matter where in the world you’re travelling, it doesn’t need to be expensive to get your clothes washed. Laundrettes and apartments with washing machines will become your best friend if you’re travelling for a few weeks or more.

6. Audio books

Instead of packing heavy books which you will end up finishing and carrying around with you even though they no longer have any use; download a few audio books on your phone or iPad in order to save space and weight.

7. Style properly

Pack clothes that are interchangeable. Ensure you are able to mix and match all pieces of clothing you bring. This is in order to be able to wear ALL clothing as often as you need. This will save you from bringing unnecessary clothing.

8. Dry laundry bar

If you have no access to a washing machine, by bringing a dry laundry bar, you are able to hand wash any pieces of clothing such as socks and underwear and maintain clean and fresh throughout your trip.

9. Roll Roll roll

Roll all your clothes up into burritos in order to save space. By doing this you will able to fit much more in your case that you would if you folded them normally. You will also be able to see everything you packed at a glance by stacking them next to each other, saving you time and frustration.

10. Limit those “just in case” items

We all like to bring items we MIGHT need on our trips, but most of the time will not end up using them. Try to limit those items in order to save space; if you really need an item such as an umbrella, you can always purchase it when you need it.

11. Bottoms at the bottom

Pack your trousers, shorts, etc at the bottom of your case as they are more bulky and can be squashed down by the rest of your items.

By Nicole Fernandez Medina

Top 10 Tips for Travelling as a Vegan/Vegetarian

Josh okungbaiye

(1) Learn Useful Phrases

This tip is very important when you are travelling to countries where English is not the national language. You will have to learn some phrases such as ‘I do not eat meat, fish or cheese.’ 

Saying that you are vegan or vegetarian in the local language is not enough. In some cultures veganism and vegetarianism is still a new concept, so you will have to be extremely clear on your dietary requirements. Keep in mind that in some cultures, refusing to eat someone’s food can be seen as offensive. When requesting a vegan or vegetarian meal in the local language please be apologetic and polite and they will be happy to help you.

explore the city

(2) Find Local Vegans

Before travelling to your destination, do your research on the Vegan and Vegetarian community in the country or city you are visiting. See if there are any events happening where you can meet other vegans that can further help you enjoy the local cuisine in the vegan/vegetarian way.

(3) Pack Your Emergency Food Stash

While you are out exploring, vegan and vegetarian snack options will not always be readily available. In response to this, we would suggest for you to carry around granola, dried fruits, or energy bars. So when you randomly get hungry you can quickly grab one of your snacks. In addition, always ensure you pack up a larger stash of vegan/vegetarian snacks in your luggage as back up.

Bonus Tip -

Pack a snack or two for the flight. Don’t rely on plane food, as they most likely will not have vegetarian or vegan options in their menu.

(4) Research Vegan Restaurants at Your Destination

Look up the vegetarian restaurants and cafés in your destination. There are apps/websites such as Happy Cow or Vegan Passport. These apps/websites give you a full comprehensive list of vegan restaurants in your destination.  In addition, the online platforms also have honest reviews, so this will give you a clearer idea of which restaurants to visit during your trip.

travel the world

(5) Check Vegan/Vegetarian Options with Hotel

When booking accommodation remember to check to see if they provide any vegan/vegetarian options in their menu.

(6) Book Accommodation with a Kitchen

If you want to have more control over your vegan/vegetarian options. You can book apartments or hotels with kitchens. You can book this type of accommodation through AirBnB.

This will give you the opportunity to shop for your favourite ingredients and it will enable you to have more control over what you are eating. You can also pack some food for when you are going out.

Bonus Tip:- If you are going to be cooking often during your trip, you may want to book accommodation near a supermarket.

vegan food

(7) Book a Vegan Friendly Hotel

Alternatively you can find vegan friendly accommodation if you want the full vegan/experience. In the hotel it is very likely that the guests will also be vegan so you will have a greater chance of meeting new people that will share advice, recommendations and tips during your trip.

(8) Be Clear and Ask for what you want

When you visit a restaurant. Please be aware that you do not have to order what is on the menu. The chef can create a vegan/vegetarian dish for you according to your request.  Please ensure that you are nice, respectful and polite and they will be happy to help you out.

vegan snack

(9) Eat Little Amounts Throughout the Day

Get used to eating small amounts throughout the day. Fruits, nuts, vegetables always take food with you. This will keep the hunger away and keep you satisfied.

(10) Get Involved In the Culture

Before booking your trip ensure that you research the all the national local vegan/vegetrarian dishes and make sure you try them all. See it as one big adventure and remember to fully enjoy the moment.

travel fun travel girl