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News, Interviews and recommendations from High Spirit Bags.


Top 5 Backpacks for Music Festivals 2017

Josh okungbaiye

Festival Season is well and truly upon us. Many more festivals around the World will be making waves through the summer. We are sure some of you are already thinking of the perfect outfit to rave in. We are also sure that some of you are looking for the perfect music festival backpack to help keep your stuff safe in a stylish way, while you party. To help you guys out we created a list of the best music festival backpacks. Here are our top 5 best backpacks for festivals. Click the images for more info. Enjoy. :-)

(1) Black Dragon 2.0 Anti-Theft Backpack

(2) Jungle Tiger Anti-Theft Backpack

Check it out 

Check it out 

(3) Midsummer Butterflies Anti-Theft Backpack

(4) Life is for Living Anti-Theft Backpack

(5) Mini Purple Dragon Anti-Theft Backpack

Launching The High Spirit Small Items Bag

Josh okungbaiye

Today we launched the High Spirit Small Items Bag. It's great for festivals and for carrying small valuable items when you travelling in the city. As you can tell we've really been letting our creative juices flow. By being unfiltered and in tune with the city and travel culture, it enables us to release more great products that improves the lives of our customers. Below are some pics of the small item bags we created. All available at our online shop. Enjoy! :-)


Josh okungbaiye

More and more people are travelling solo as a way for self-discovery and character development. It's fantastic to explore and see what the World has to offer, but its important to stay safe out there. We know that for some of you, this may be your first time travelling to another country alone. Just to help you out, here are our top 10 tips for female solo travellers. Enjoy! :-)

(1) Only use Official Taxis

Check with the information point, the airport officials or hotel information point and find out where the official taxis are. Do not go into a taxi that you have not called for.

(2) Arrive in the daytime

Arrive in the daytime; there will be a lot more people walking around that can help you.  Also, trying to find your way around a city you have never been to is a lot less scary in the daytime.

(3) Learn the places to avoid

Research the city or country you will be visiting in advance. Find out which parts of the city are safe to stay in. Do not compromise your safety just to save money. Make sure you have travel insurance, take the taxi instead of walking at night. Be very vigilant and aware of your surroundings.

(4) Photocopy your travel documents

Losing your passport or flight tickets is a common problem and can ruin your vacation. To avoid this, make sure to have photocopies of your passport, flight tickets and any other important documentation. Put a copy, in your bag, in your purse, in your hotel room or have it saved in your phone. You never know when you might need it.

(5) Avoid giving away personal information

While travelling solo, you will meet a lot of interesting people. Remember to be vigilant and do not let strangers know what hotel you are staying in. Also, do not tell the person you are alone.

(6) Check out travel alerts

Check for any travel alerts in the country you will be visiting and look out for any alerts on wars or any other state of emergency situations. In addition, research the common crimes and scams in the country so you are well prepared and watchful.

(7) Dressing Requirements

Some countries are a lot stricter than others in terms of dressing. Before you travel check on the dressing requirements for that country or city and dress accordingly.

(8) Listen to the Locals

If locals or hotel staff tells you to not go to a certain area because it is dangerous. Do not go. In more nuanced situations, always follow your gut.

(9) Act Confident

Even though you may be unsure of yourself at times. Always act confident and assertive, it will make you less of a target.

(10) Let people know where you are

Visiting a new country or city is very exciting and you can get so caught up in the fun that you forget to update your